Trademark Availability Research

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    Trademark Information

    Fill in the trademark name you would like to be researched

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    * Business Area - Please fill in one or multiple business areas you would like to cover (eg. banking), one per line

    * Business Activity - Describe your main activity and other secondary activities that you would like to perform

    * Territories - Select at least one territory (country) where you would like to protect your brand

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    The information and any commentary on the law contained on this website is provided for information and guidance purposes only. Every reasonable effort is made to make the information and commentary accurate and up to date, but no responsibility for its accuracy and correctness, or for any consequences of relying upon it is assumed by Open A European Company, its directors , employees or associated websites.

    The information and commentary on Open A European Company’s site does not, and is not intended to amount to legal advice to any third party on a specific case or matter. You are strongly recommended to obtain specific, direct legal advice from professional advisers whether these be your own advisers or those that appear on the site. You should consider taking advice both in the country in which you are domiciled and in the country in which you are seeking to open a company. and not to rely on the information or comments on this site.

    Copyright © 2009-2025 Open a European Company