Company Incorporation
The last couple of years have seen some fairly major changes, not just throughout Europe but the world. After a long period of growth and continual spending, the global financial crisis has left a number of countries in some very tricky situations. Increases in unemployment, businesses folding, spending cuts and a lot of the population getting rather upset about them has left a lot of people wondering why on earth anyone would consider investing or incorporating a business in Europe…
Well, there’ll always be naysayers. Whenever things go wrong there’ll always be those quick to jump on the bandwagon and say the end is nigh. Is the glass half full or half empty? The problem with most countries is they have an opposition government who seem to do nothing but hinder the current one. They spread rumours and you’d genuinely think now, Europe was on the brink of doom.
Not so. Not even close.
The economic world has been going in cycles since the beginning of time, it has up’s and it has downs. There’s no doubt about it that a lot of people make money when the economy is rising, the real money makers however get in when the markets at the bottom. During the good times everybody’s comfortable, this can bring on greed, most deals you get may seem good but there’s more likely more in it for them, than you. However, its times like now when people and governments are desperate for your business, they need your investment, they’ll do all kinds of deals to entice people to do business and some of these deals are too good to miss.
Its times like now when the real business opportunities are available. Tax benefits, low start-up costs, cheap office rental, and easy recruitment process with so many unemployed. Governments are trying to encourage company incorporation from foreign investors and to do that they have to offer them a business environment that is better for them than their own country.
The variety of opportunities are astounding, indeed in Germany alone, each jurisdiction has a different tax bracket, Ireland has a 3 year 0% incorporation tax incentive, In Hungary you can have a company up and running in a day. Each country and often many jurisdictions within that country have so many potential benefits; it’s hard to know where to start. Either way, it’s highly likely you’re leaving money on the table by conducting business in your native country.
What’s really great about European company incorporation, outside your own country is in most cases you don’t actually have to leave your country. You can continue trading from where ever you’re based now. The simplicity of registered offices, virtual offices and virtual assistants, the power of modern technology and many other factors means you can operate a business from another country without actually having to be there.
The biggest problem, without any doubt, is finding out which country or jurisdiction is best for your particular business model, it is a painstaking process but it’s an opportunity that won’t be here forever.
European Company Incorporation Specialists
At Open A European Company our European company incorporation specialists give you a free consultation to show you exactly which country or jurisdiction is best for your business and why.
Click here to find out more.